Friday, 2 December 2016

Script Narrative

Audience Profile

Now that i have created the correct amount of primary and secondary research, i can now create a product which fits the results of my focus group and questionaire.
Before I can begin creating my product, I have decided to create an audience profile.  This audience profile will be determined by my primary and secondary research as well as what I feel would be appropriate for my film.

Wednesday, 30 November 2016

Questionnaire - Results and analysis

Analysis: I decided to ask how old the people answering my questionnaire first as it is the perfect introduction to my research. This will help me to consider the age demographic for slasher horror films in general. This therefore allows me to create a film that appeals to the most common age and due to this, my film will be successful. From the 50 people i asked, the majority of them were of the younger generation. This tells me that slasher horror are generally aimed at a younger audience rather than an older one. This helps me to understand that my age demographic is for an audience aged 16 and above as this is the age that is easy to scare and truly express horror. The fact the ages who answered my questionnaire was 16 shows i should make my film a 15 so everyone who answered my questionnaire can watch it. I have also taken into account the older people who answered my questionnaire as the ideas within the narrative could appeal to more middle-aged adults.

Analysis: I decided to ask what gender my general audience would be because it would help me to understand the demographic for my film. This therefore allows me to create a film that appeals to the most common gender and due to this, my film will be successful. From the 50 people i asked, it was exactly half male, and half female. This allows me to get a varied questionnaire as the number is 50/50. This tells me that slasher horrors are created to appeal to both genders however from my research, i know that it was intentionally made for the male audience. From the ideal slasher horror, i will attempt to make my film appear to both demographics. I will present this through the narrative that i create and within this narrative i will attempt to keep the representations of both genders similar. The similarity in age demographic appeals to a wider target audience as it means different genders of different psychographics can watch my film. For example, females may decide to watch my films with their friends to females and males may watch this film as a couple.
Analysis: I decided to ask this question because i felt that it was relevant to my questionnaire. By capturing a respondents ethnicity or culture may influence their responses to my survey questions. The answers they give may be influenced by their experiences with the survey topic. For example, someone raised in a rural native American culture may respond to the questions i have asked differently to someone who was raised in an urban culture. In this questionnaire, all of the respondents were in this case were White English which is very convenient for me. This helps me to understand the demographic and who would be viewing my film. By knowing this now, also helps me to apply a known understanding as to how to engage with my audience more.

Analysis: I decided to ask this question firstly because to me this questionnaire gives me a good idea as to what kind of killer my audience would like to see featured in my film. Each of these killers are all very different which is why i chose them. By using these characters gives me a very clear idea as to what my audience wants to see in my film which is seen through the killer. Additionally, by using a varied amount of killers gives me insight as to what they most like about horror villains, for example with the scream killer, i could infer it is the unknown of who it is and with Michael Myers, it could be the sheer insanity.

Analysis: From this question i can now see that the scariest weapon featured in a Slasher Horror film is a chainsaw which also helps me to see that that is the weapon my target audience intend to see in my Slasher Horror film. By knowing this now helps to understand what my target audience want to see and also how they would like me to do it. I found this question helpful because originally, i had decided i wanted to use razor claws but i can now see that my audience wouldn't;t have enjoyed the film as much because they want to see a chainsaw as opposed to razor claws. This could have meant that people might not have watched my film because i had used the most unpopular weapon which certainly could have meant my popularity would have decreased.
Analysis:This response shows that my target audience seem to find the woods the scariest setting for my film as opposed to the other options. This means that i will base my films plot line around this setting in order to give the audience what they want to see. By doing this, it makes it different to other films with the same setting because i will try and make it different. I will make it stand out and unique to other slasher horrors which wi;; hopefully attract a larger audience as it combines reality with the peoples fears.

Analysis: For me i felt this question was important to ask as it would help to stick my Slasher horror them perfectly and also make my poster fit to this genre. By asking this question i will also allow me to have a wider audience as if i put green on the poster, people might not associate my film as a horror film as green can symbolise peace and nature. The fact my questionnaire results showed black and red to be the colours associated with slasher horror shows that they associate blood and darkness with my genre. This can help me to to infer what my audience are looking for in my film such as red, blood and black, darkness or death.

Wednesday, 23 November 2016

Secondary research

Focus group

 I have completed a great amount of primary and secondary research that will help me to create a knowledgeable product. Before i begin the next process, i have decided to create a focus group. This Focus group allows me to ask a few people and attempt to get more open questions on what my audience may want to see from a Slasher horror film. I am going to complete a plan of questions and a hand out so that my allotted audience can see exactly what i want them to with no distractions. if i plan my questions, this means that i know exactly what i want to ask them rather than trying ask questions on the spot which will not be effective in comparison to planning. I am also going ask them in advance what date they can all do to stay organised and avoid confusion. These are the questions i am going to ask...

I decided to also print out some hand outs for the audience of my focus group. This will overall make it easier for them to answer the questions i ask them as it is in front of them so i can get responses which are efficient and relevant to the question. This will also give definitions if needed including what PROPPS theory as this is part of one of the questions i ask them. This is what i gave to them...

Now that i have completed my planning for my focus group, i am ready to complete this area. I have set a date and time and have reminded everybody of this and where to meet. This will take place on 22/11/16 at 12:30.

Above is the transcript of the focus group that took place on 22/11/16 at 12:30.  This focus group allows me to interview people from the target audience and get a sense of what they want to see in my film. I have asked them a series of questions which relate to the production of my film and the conventions i should include in my film including sample names and where it should take place. To make this whole process easier for me and my participants i gave them handouts to know what to expect of what i would ask them, this contained all 5 questions and i also provided examples to give them ideas of what to say. This process will tell me about the pyschographic attitudes of my target audience. 

How this will help my production:
My target audience stated that the most effective poster is the A Nightmare on Elm Street. The general reason for this was because it is simple but effective. My focus group felt that this poster looks more realistic in comparison to the other two which made it stand out more. It is also gives an impression as to who the killer will be in the film and what they will use to kill as he has razor claws and has an evil face so they implied that the person featured on the poster is the villain in the film. It also looks more realistic as it looks 3D which means that it poses as personal as the villain is pointing straight at the audience. 
The research i have obtained from my focus group has informed that my poster must be simple but effective. When doing this however, i must choose an aspect of a weapon to focus on and a character and a feature of their body which comes across as most scary. By doing this will give a real slasher horror sub genre feel to the poster as it includes the aspects which slasher horror films are most know for. I must also give a realistic feel as it makes it feel more personal as opposed to being made up.
How this will help my production:
By using this question in my focus group, allows me to find out who the audience would prefer to see on my poster and why this would be. My focus group overall vote was that the villain was the most exciting. They felt this because the villain brings the horror aspect and without him there is no horror feel. By understanding this, allows me to make sure the villain is the main focus of the poster as this is what the audience wants to see as the poster won't be scary without this character. This has allowed me to fully understand who the audience want to see the most and how to make my poster as scary as possible.

How this will help my production:
This question to me, was important to ask as there opinion in this case, is more valid than mine and what they feel works best is what i choose. Therefore by asking what name they feels works best for my film helps me to understand what would fit perfectly with the sub-genere. The most popular name  i suggested was Buried, this was down to a few reasons. The first being that it a lot more scary than the other names i had given which means that it fits the genre better than the others did. This helps me to know my sub-genre slasher horror better and allows me to get to know the idea better as i now know which is the most preferred name. Another reason that Buried was the most preferred name was because it was straight to he point. By knowing this, makes me realise that it gives an informative idea as to what the film could include without giving the storyline away. Thus knowing this gives me ideas as to what my script could include. From Travis' negative feedback in fact helped me to realise that this name was perfect! The reason i believe this is because i know for sure that the title definitely fits into my sub-genre horror, being Slasher horror. The title itself must somehow link toward the slasher side as to show the film will focus on this themes opposed to a title which focusses on the psychological side of horror.

The main feedback from this question seemed to be at that the narrative should be set in a place where you are supposed to feel safe. In this case, my focus group chose the characters house. This shows that the place you feel most safe has been invaded showing that you aren't safe anywhere. I feel as though this is the perfect idea because this isn't often seen in slasher horror where they usually take place somewhere creepy such as a graveyard. The reason a characters house would work well is because it is very realistic as opposed to the other options. It is where you feel most safe which makes the setting personal and effective creating a sense of realism.

This question i have chosen to ask is very open leaving the a fairly broad range of answers. I felt this question was important to ask my target  audience as it helps me to comprehend what the audience would want to see from the film. It seemed that in this focus group, everybody shared the same ideas when it came to the narrative. Everyone agreed that i should base the film on the villain and have him as the protagonist. They also all agreed that this film should be very chlaustrophobic creating fear before we even see any slasher elements which helps to build tension and create a sense of mystery. This question helped to create a wide understanding of what my target audience would want to see which opened many doors to ideas which i now have meaning this question was definitely appropriate!  

I have now completed my primary research on my audience via my questionnaire and focus group, I have also finished my secondary research. This means i am now ready to complete a profile of my audience. This audience profile will help me narrow down the demographics and psychographics the target audience allocate. Overall this allows me to create a narrative which appeal to the intended audience which is all due to the primary and secondary research.